Haulage and transportation are the basic core of any logistics business and companies need to make sure to provide smooth and top-notch services. Haulage and logistics are what every company and business needs at some point as they will need to transport their goods or have raw materials brought in to them.
Construction, pharmaceutical, food, technology, chemical along with all other sectors and industries need to avail the logistics and transportation services at some point. This puts a specific significance on the logistics industry and the demand for it.
The higher the demand is, usually it leads to more competition among the plethora of already existing and new upcoming companies in the field that are founded to keep up with the demand. There are many logistics and haulage companies in every corner of each country within the world today like the ones in Felixstowe. Container Haulage Felixstowe companies help with the international trade carried out through the Felixstowe port.
Following are the considerations and points you need to take into account in case you plan to open a haulage company in UK.
Determine A Speciality
Before going forward with the founding process, make sure you are certain about the area or sector that you wish to serve. It’s not impossible to work with different sectors and industries at a time but a certain specialist field will let you focus better and build a reliable customer base in the said sector before expanding further to other areas. You can choose from food products, pharmaceuticals, electronics, vehicles, livestock and many other such areas.
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Vehicle Selection
Determine the kind of vehicles you wish to operate along with their size, type and numbers. Decide whether you wish to partake in road haulage only in which case you will only need trucks or lorries etc or if you wish to expand to overseas transportation that will require you to have freighters or container ships etc too like the ones used in haulage Felixstowe companies.
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Have A Proper Location
You will need a proper location to act as your operational base for the vehicles and their maintenance. Make sure there’s also storage space to act as a warehouse for the cargo brought in or about to be shipped.
Keep in mind a couple of factors like easy road and routes access for the vehicles, proximity to the port and the rent before deciding on a location for your haulage business.
Sort Out the Costs
Apart from the starting costs, keep in mind the regular costs you will be dealing with going forward. This will include vehicle maintenance costs like fuel, vehicle cleaning, vehicle excise duty and insurance etc. Regular costs will also entail paying the employees that you will hire and the location rent etc.
Fulfil Legal Obligations
Vehicle insurance is an obvious one but also arrange for employer’s liability and train your drivers to follow any specific haulage related regulations in place. For instance, in Felixstowe, operate within specific haulage Felixstowe rules and measures like the routes or time durations allowed for haulage vehicles. Public liability and professional indemnity insurances should also be in place for any credible haulage company.