Typically, science fiction deals with futuristic concepts and imaginative technology. It often includes time travel, advanced science, and parallel universes. In some cases, it involves erotic or sexual elements.
Erotic science fiction
Traditionally, sci-fi literature has not had a lot of explicit sexual content. However, in the 1960s and 1970s, science fiction writers began to explore more edgy and explicit topics. Some examples include a fictional extraterrestrial, a character with an alternative sexuality, and a sexual encounter with a robot or AI.
Erotic science fiction, in particular, is a subgenre of sci-fi that examines a variety of themes aimed at inducing arousal. Typically, these novels involve a protagonist with an alternative sexuality or a character with an exotic appearance. This type of science fiction includes a number of core sci-fi themes, such as space and time travel, as well as political and social issues.
A good example of erotic science fiction is the “Magic University” series by Cecilia Tan. This series mixes BDSM culture with magic and aliens. The protagonist, Kyle Wadsworth, undergoes a sexual apprenticeship and learns to harness sex magic.
Space opera
Basically, space opera refers to science fiction where there is no over-the-top tech, instead the science is akin to storytelling. It is a genre that has been around for as long as the science fiction novel, but it only took a modern day filmmaker like George Lucas to take it to the next level. Unlike predecessors, Star Wars is a standalone story, rather than a retread of the aforementioned novel. It also has an esoteric twist on the usual, such as the incorporation of The Force.
Space opera is most often associated with cheesy cinematic space travel, but there are a few exceptions. The Uplift series by David Brin is considered the granddaddy of space opera. There are also a number of online space adventure games that are built around the standard sci-fi universe.
Originally steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction. It is often set in the Victorian Era or the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. It combines the aesthetic of the 19th century with futuristic technologies.
The term “steampunk” was coined by K.W. Jeter who wanted a general term for the genre. He was inspired by a number of different writers, including H.G. Wells, Mary Shelley, and Jules Verne.
The basic aesthetic of the genre is based on 19th-century machinery and equipment. It also incorporates elements from other time periods and cultural aspects of other regions. It has evolved to accommodate elements from other genres, such as fantasy, horror, and crime noir.
There are many different sub-genres of the steampunk genre. It can be set in any time between 1860 and 1910. It can be a science fiction or fantasy story, or it can be an adventure book. It can even be an old world frontier adventure.
Soft science fiction
Unlike hard science fiction, soft science fiction usually uses less scientific elements and more fictional ones. It’s more likely to focus on character relationships and social sciences. This can include mythology, politics, economics, and psychology.
Another way to look at the difference is that soft sci-fi is closer to fantasy than hard science fiction. It also involves more complex political structures, close character studies of antiheroes, and a lot of ally-building. Some dystopian novels are considered soft sci-fi. However, there is no strict definition of what “soft” means.
The Star Trek franchise is a good example of a soft sci-fi novel. It explores the science behind alien appearance and political issues. It’s also a series that deals with issues of human history and future.
Frank Herbert’s Dune series is an example of a deep soft sci-fi novel. It’s set in a post-apocalyptic city that was destroyed by a biotechnology firm. A female protagonist scavenges for food in the aftermath. She stumbles upon a jelly-like biotech named Borne. It seems to have emotional control over her, but she can’t let it go.
Peer review
Among other things, peer review of SciFi helps to ensure that the quality of research is up to par. While the process is not without its flaws, it can help ensure that the articles published in a journal are credible.
A growing problem is that scam scientific conferences are making an assault on the peer review process. These conferences allow anyone to register and present a paper. Many of the participants are inexperienced in science, and are not well-equipped to properly evaluate the work they’re presented with.
The Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy is an online, refereed, and peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of the philosophical uses of science fiction. It invites submissions from all areas of philosophy, including comparative and cultural studies. It aims to provide a venue for academic discussions and foster a sense of appreciation of the medium of science fiction.