Choosing a dog is not a stroll in the park for many people. This is because there is a long list of canine breeds and arriving at the perfect one can be pretty difficult.
Speaking of the number of breeds, you should know there are hundreds of these canine breeds recognized by various associations. For instance, The FCI recognizes somewhere between 390 – 400 canine kinds. For more on this, you can check here.
Well, canine associations do not all agree about the numbers. This is because their yardstick for determining what should be considered a dog is different. Furthermore, some associations take more time assessing if a canine should be considered a dog.
All of these factors and more are responsible for the different numbers reported by several canine associations. Now that you know that, we will go on to discuss how you can end up with the right canine breed for you.
But before we get into that, you should know that you have responsibilities towards your dog. Training is one of such responsibilities. So, you must be committed to playing your part as a dog parent, owner, guardian, and lover.
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Dog
The first thing you should know is how what qualifies as a perfect dog is subjective. This means what works for someone may not work for you.
So, you need to understand your peculiarities and choose a breed that fits right in. This is the best way to go about choosing properly. Having established this, here are some tips to help you make the right choice:
Preferred Size
Speaking of size, there are 3 categories you can end up with – large, small/toy, and medium-sized dogs. You need to understand the dog size that fits into your lifestyle.
For instance, a toy/small breed will be perfect for someone who wants to carry a canine companion all the time. On the other hand, you may not be able to handle a large-sized one this way.
The sheer size, body mass, and a few other things will make this difficult. So, you need to choose between large, small/toy, and medium-sized dogs.
If you are interested in large-sized options; Pitbull Terrier, Australian Shepherd, Boxer, and Doberman Pinscher are breeds that can be considered. For more examples, you can visit:
If you are interested in medium-sized dogs, you can consider options like Vizsla, Bulldog, Akita, and several others. If you want a small-sized dog, options such as Australian Terrier, Beagle, Bedlington Terrier, and Basenji can be considered.
Maintenance and Hygiene
This is a factor you should not turn a blind eye to. It is very important and should be taken seriously. You should understand the physical and financial cost of raising a breed before you choose it.
So, do not be swayed by the acts of the dog on a TV show or in your neighbor’s house. Understand the care that happens behind the scene before you make your decision.
Generally speaking, dogs that have long hair are likely to shed a lot. However, there are a few exemptions. These canines have long hair but do not shed so much.
Just understand what maintenance would cost you and if you are up to the task. This also means you have to consider your schedule and a few other things before you make your final decision.
Activity Level
One of the things you should avoid doing is making general statements when talking about canines. For instance, imagine someone says dogs like to play. There is a lot wrong with this statement.
The reason is that there are breeds that are hyperactive and all out to play and have fun. On the other end of the continuum, some breeds can be termed lazy. They just like to take it slow and mind their business.
So, be careful not to make general statements when talking about dogs. This is except what you are saying applies to every dog breed. Now that we have established that, you should know some dog breeds are more active than others as explained in the example given above.
This is something you should consider before choosing a canine breed. You need to think long and hard about the dog that suits you as regards activity level.
For instance, a senior citizen battling arthritis wouldn’t do well with a German shepherd. This is because this canine companion is active and needs to burn off pent-up energy a lot of the time.
For this reason, the senior citizen may not be able to help keep the dog in the right shape. On the other hand, an athletic-minded individual will do so well with this dog breed. This is because their lifestyle needs are compatible.
You need to think about your environment when choosing a dog. For instance, a dog with a high activity level will require a lot of space to burn off pent-up energy. So, they are better suited for places with large open space.
On the other hand, some canine companions can deal with a small space. So, you need to consider your immediate environment before making a choice.
Speaking of the environment, you should know some dog breeds are banned in certain places. For instance, as common as the German shepherd may seem, it is banned in Michigan, Ohio, New Mexico, Kansas, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, and a few other parts of the United States. So you need to know the bye-laws for raising canine breeds where you are located.
These are very important factors to consider. However, you should know there are other things to consider as well. You can check out Holistapet dogs guide to learn more.
We have discussed four tips to help you end up with the right canine breed. We strongly suggest that you consider these four factors and others so that you end up with the perfect dog breed.